Welcome to our blog about Japan STM

Dear friends,

It’s not long now (4 weeks) till we set out from Sydney and head to Japan for 2.5 weeks. We have done all the training, booked our tickets, got vaccinated. In the midst of exams and busyness at church and in our own lives, it’s sometimes difficult to be focused on the task ahead of us.

Thank God that He has raised up a team that is passionate to see God’s Word and praises be known in Japan.

We would really value your prayers at this time. One of the team members has unfortunately had to withdraw from the team due to personal reasons, and another team member is waiting the results of her mother’s test results to see whether will continue with the mission. Please pray against the devils schemes who prowls like a roaring lion waiting for someone to devour. Pray for the health of the team. Pray for the families of those on team.
