From the right to left – Andy, Yvonne & Natalie, Steve, Phil & Minami
We are very excited about the upcoming mission to Japan 2016. Please come along to our afternoon tea on Sunday 12th June at 2pm. We will be sharing more about mission and how you can support us.
The afternoon tea will be in at the East Lindfield hall!
Here are some individual prayer points:
- Safe travel
- Get everything prepared in time.
- Let God use me in this trip to glorify His name.
- Open the hearts and minds of Japanese people to follow Jesus.
- God’s wisdom on preparation
- Maintain good health and rest before and during the trip.
- God’s wisdom in the preparation of the sermon and to speak clearly & powerfully
- Be an encauragment and be encauraged by whomever we meet in Japan and may God use that.
Highlights from our Arvo Tea in June!
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More Mission News to come & some highlights while we travel in Japan. Looking forward : )