Day 3


After breakfast this morning we set off to attend Sunday service. Betty had intended for us to attend Sunday service at the same church we worshiped at when we were here last year. It was only when we arrived that we all realise that we were at the wrong church. As we listened to the sermon we were all gob smacked and it was only then that we realise what had happened earlier was not a mistake but in fact a divine intervention. God had planned for us to attend this church to listen to the sermon to encourage, equip and remind us before we start our mission tomorrow.

The sermon today was from Acts 15:36 – 16:40 on the “Great Commission Realities” (GCR). Pastor David Crim listed 7 GCR realities, of which he expand  on the first 2 today.

The first one is on the reality of teamwork.
We must remember that God is the framework of our mission, God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit , the Trinity. He is the one that created our team and mobilised our team for mission. For our
team to be successful our team requires a shared vision, mutual trust and forgiveness as trust and forgiveness works together to build teamwork. We should show kindness, humility, faithfulness and great patience. Teamwork also requires us to have discernment,  so as to keep us from making cultural mistakes. We also need to forsake our cultural biases.
Pastor David quoted an African saying:
” If you want to go fast, go alone.
   If you want to go far go together ” , which sums up the importance of teamwork.

The second reality is on God’s leadership. We need to learn to say ‘no’, saying no for the sake of the greater yes. God’s leadership involves the Holy Spirit. Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us, so we need to listen. God will reveal His plan to us when it’s appropriate and He will not leave us in the dark, which is very comforting.

God’s timing is impeccable. We have come away from the service today knowing that He is there for us. The sermon today not only serves as an encouragement but also a reassurance to us, it energise us to go out and serve Him and bring glory to His name.

As we are starting our mission tomorrow and will be traveling south to Trece, please pray for journey mercies, protection and wisdom.

International Baptist Church of Manila


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