30th anniversary celebrations

Theme of 30th anniversary celebration: 

‘Celebrating the Lord’s grace and passing on the spirit of EFCA’

Bible verse: Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

This year we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of our church. The theme for the occasion is “Celebrating the Lord’s grace and passing on the spirit of EFCA”. We have chosen Luke 5:4 as the Bible verse to encourage us to press forward for the next thirty years.

In Luke 5:4, Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Since EFCA has been blessed with God’s grace for the last thirty years, it is time for us to “become mature……no longer be infants”(Eph.4:13). This being the case, we should, by God’s grace, “put out into the deep water”, and strive for growth in Him. At the same time, we have to “let down the nets for a catch” in order to carry on the vision when God started EFCA.

Celebration programme:

Sat 25 Mar 10.30am Whole church picnic,  Fagan Park    38-48 Arcadia Road, Galston

Sat 29 Apr 09.00-13.00   ‘Challenges & opportunities facing Chinese churches with three languages’ leaders seminar. Rev David Tse (Senior Pastor, Central Baptist Church), East Lindfield

Sun 28 May 13.30-15.00        ‘EFC’s spiritual heritage & history’ talk (English),  Rev Kenneth Chan (Advisory Pastor, EFCA), East Lindfield

Wed 31 May 20.00-21.45      Anniversary Prayer Meeting & message (Cantonese), Rev Kenneth Chan (Advisory Pastor, EFCA)  East Lindfield.

Sat 3 Jun 16.00-18.00 ‘EFC’s spiritual heritage & history’ talk (Cantonese), Rev Kenneth Chan (Advisory Pastor, EFCA), Chatswood Church of Christ

Sun 4 Jun 10.30-11.30  ‘EFC’s spiritual heritage & history’ talk (Mandarin), Rev Kenneth Chan (Advisory Pastor, EFCA), Chatswood Primary School

Jul-Aug Vote for ‘the 30 most-loved hymns: Wed 2 Aug 20.00-21.45  Anniversary Prayer Meeting & message (Cantonese),  Rev Man Chi Kwok (President, Evangel Seminary) East Lindfield

Sep (tbc) Gospel Station at Spring Festival, Chatswood, Willoughby City Council

Sun 24 Sep 09.00  Anniversary thanksgiving Sunday Service (Mandarin),  Chatswood Primary School

Sun 24 Sep 11.00 Anniversary thanksgiving Sunday Service (English) East Lindfield

Sun 24 Sep 09.00 & 11.15 Anniversary thanksgiving Sunday Service (Cantonese), Zenith Theatre

Sun 24 Sep 18.00 30th anniversary thanksgiving dinner King Dynasty, Westfield Chatswood